Jan 5, 2010

New toy: Sansa Clip+

Wow, been a while since I blogged. Haha. Well, I bought something that I really want to log down. Got me a new Mp3 player. After much prodding by Rain, I gave in and bought the Sansa Clip+ (8gigs Black).

Quick specs rundown: 8gigs, expandable SD card slot, FM radio, voice recorder, plays all the mainstream music format & 15hr battery life.

Well, here they are side by side; see how small it is. The Samsung Mp3 1gig player is still working fine. It served me very well, don't want to really abandon it just like this but I'll use it from time to time i guess.

Almost finished loading songs, just got up to half of the space. I still have the Japanese Audio books for my edumikashun :P


Kat said...

Wow the dust is really thick here! Hehe.

It's so small!

Bakemono said...

:P Ngayon ko lang nakita comment mo. Hahaha.