For the recent week, ideas and blog write-ups having been somewhat pouring into my head lately. I'll to pace the posting, as if i blog that much. hehe.
While I was going around the net i saw this cute rendition of PSP as a girl. They called her PSP-tan. Lookit her, soo cute! Kawaii!!
Well, the Japs are just so good in making things cute. I think they have been doing this to almost all of things mechanical. One such notable, thing is the the OS-tans. They consist of the operating systems for the PC and the Mac.
If you google around you are bound to get more. There is even more Console tans. coming out. Too bad they don't have much for the PSP. Oh well.. Heheh.
Links dump:
Haha. Ang kulit naman nung comics na yun.
I've been seeing some browser versions of this, but mostly it's Firefox.
I love Windows ME, check out the description on the Wiki link. Hehe.
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